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Mecklenburg Issues

With a track record of consistent annual budget growth between 5-10%, the impact of increased taxation has been felt by every citizen in the county. As a dedicated advocate, I strive to bring conservative values to the table while ensuring the continuation of essential services. My goal is to limit the growth of taxation and spending wherever possible. In addition, I aim to recognize the importance of effective public education, quality healthcare access, a strong and supported police force, and support for the less fortunate.

To achieve these goals, I firmly believe that the Board of Commissioners must maintain a vigilant eye on spending. Drawing upon my expertise as a physician and my experience as a member of the Medical Board, I am confident that I can contribute valuable insights to the decision-making process. 

 My prescription for Mecklenburg's success is:

 • A balanced conservative stance on taxation and spending. 
• Support for accessible and high-quality healthcare services. 
• Appropriately funding and enhancing the effectiveness of public schools. 
• Advocacy for law enforcement and the provision of adequate police funding to ensure the safety of both the community and our dedicated officers.  
By championing these principles, I am committed to serving our community and ensuring its continued growth and prosperity. Together, let's amplify both moderate and conservative views, uniting our city and placing the interests of Charlotte at the forefront.

Paid for By Elect McCulloch for Commission
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